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from: strausberg, germany
gesund u voller schöner Eindrücke bin ich nun in die Heimat zurückgekehrt. möchte hiermit nochmal ein großes Dankeschön an das ganze Aquarius Team am Marriott Hotel in Hurghada aussprechen. Die Zeit mit euch war super schön. Die Aquarius 9 vermisse ich jetzt schon. besonders die Crew,die allen Gästen immer sehr hilfsbereit u freundlich gegenüber war, und uns jeden Tag ein köstliches Buffet zuberreitete. danke an die guids die mit rat u fachwissen immer zur seite standen . Renate-Tina-Elissa-Simon-Heba-Heiner-Mohamed-I-man -Wallied ihr ward spitze. Vieleicht sieht man sich im nächsten Urlaub.

Philippe de Besançon
from: france
AWLAD BARAKA : un nom magique. Magique par le total dépaysement .Magique par la gentillesse de ses habitants et enfin magique de par son site; il faut voir les levers et couchers de soleil sur Awlad Baraka. J' ai passé 5 jours merveilleux grâce aux sourires de Véronique,à la patience de Nicolas,à l'amabilité et au dévouement du personnel des bateaux et du camp. Bien sur tout n'est pas parfait et heureusement sinon qu'elle déception. J'espère que Awlad Baraka gardera encore longtemps son identité propre qui en fait tout son charme. Quand aux râleurs professionnels qu'ils aillent ailleurs. Moi j'ai aimé et je retournerai à l'Ecolodge de Awlad Baraka. Encore un grand MERCI à tous les personnes du camp pour leur gentillesse.

Adam White
from: hull, united kingdom
Hi went snorkling in the red sea from sharm to hurghada, was fantastic, enjoyed the day, all staff look after you, would do it again! Views was amazing but ill leave that to your imagination! thanks

from: united kingdom
I would just like to say thank you to all the staff at the Conrad and on the boat that made my 7 days diving with you so good, in particular the ones I did not meet, the office and junior staff that some may forget. As always all staff did a very professional job and made my trip a pleasure. Everything was well organised and you were able to rearrange things for me when I changed my mind about what I was going to do without a fuss. I would like to say a special thank you to Javier as the photography specialty course I did with him has paid off already as my photos are much better, as I now know what I am doing, also to Alyson for a great video. My final thanks are to the staff in the Coral Sea office for the help and support they gave me during my holiday. I am now looking forward to my next visit. Thank you all again. Brian

from: luxor, france
A very warm thank to all the staff from AWLAD BARAKA...Vero et Abdallah,Ahmed,Noor,Ramadan & Ibrahim,Mido,Mahmoud,Mohamed & Ahmed,the Captain from Ocean & all the staff from Ocean...all who work in the camp and make the camp like home.Thanks to Nikki for the dvd... Living in Luxor i came for 1 week in Marsa...after 2 days in another camp,we could come to Awlad Baraka and really i spent with my friend Mylène a marvellous time....We made only snorkelling but it was really so nice...to swim with the dolphins was so amazing...Samadai & Shaab Sharm were so great...I have only one wish : to come back quickly there,to meet again all the staff....Awlad Baraka and Aquarius,the best place in Marsa Alam


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